Babysits New iOS App
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Get startedOrganizing child care anytime, anywhere made easier and more affordable than ever with the new iOS app from Babysits.
The new Babysits App
Babysits is a community platform connecting parents and babysitters across the world, with more than 2 million users in 38 countries and counting! With grand majority of adults across most countries using a smartphone, apps are becoming increasingly important. This is why, Babysits decided that it was time to break ground with a new app - to support parents and childcare providers with an increasingly useful and transparent service. So, Babysits is presenting the new iOS app, version 2.0.7.
“We’ve further changed the user interface and verifications to make finding a babysitter or babysitting job easier and more transparent than ever. We are always working to make the experience of parents and babysitters better! This improved app will help us continue to empower communities around New Zealand and the globe around childcare! ” Said Peter van Soldt, founder of Babysits.
Personalize and discover
Babysits has made it simple for parents and babysitters to find each other anytime, anywhere. With the new app, you can take the intuitive Babysits platform on the go, in a form optimised for seamless search, filtering, contact, and appointment planning on the iPhone. Additionally, the new app makes it simple to get started, applying in-app purchase capability for subscriptions, as well as an integrated messaging system and appointment planner. With these functions and more, you can quickly make the right child care decisions for you.
- Search before you sign up
- Read reviews and references
- Always free for babysitters, affordable for parents
- Benefit from a secure messaging system
- Get directly in touch via push notifications
- Plan appointments
- Set your own rates and schedules
- Read tips for parents and babysitters
Safety and Security is Priority
Hundreds of thousands of families rely on babysitters and these parents are increasingly taking their search for babysitters online. This is because, this way they can find and screen many more candidates for babysitting that they may not be aware of in their neighbourhood otherwise. With respect to this, online safety has become increasingly important and measures need to be taken to ensure this. This is why transparency and security are priorities of the new Babysits app. The new functions of the app are:
- Verification of social media profiles
- Sign in via Google en Facebook
- Extra profile visibility options
- Mandatory profile photos
- Profile videos
- In-app purchases for parents
- Government ID verification
Find the perfect match for you!
Babysits helps babysitters and parents by offering flexibility, freedom, and opportunity. If you’ve found a good match, you can also use the new “heart” function to save specific profiles in your favourites list. The new app also includes the parents-help-parents feature, which helps connect parents seeking childcare with other parents so that they can save on expenses by sharing childcare duties. With a community of over 2 million across the world, Babysits makes it easy to coordinate childcare in your neighbourhood.
The iOS app can be downloaded here.
The Android app can be downloaded here.