Surprise your loved ones
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Get startedIs it your best friend's birthday? Your grandparents' anniversary? Did someone graduate, but you were unable to go to the celebration? Or maybe there is no special occasion but you still want to share your love for someone that you haven't seen in a while? Not being able to celebrate or surprise your loved ones in person, should not stop you from doing it! Keep reading in order to find the best ideas to make it as special as possible!
Check out the ideas we have gathered for you in order to surprise your loved ones, even though you can not be with them, there are plenty of creative ways of doing it!
Video call
Nowadays we are super lucky to have access to technology. Technology can help us become closer even when we are apart. That is why it can be a key tool for this surprise!
First of all, you need to prepare yourself and create the perfect scenario! For this you can use multiple ideas, we will give you some examples, but feel free to create your own!
Party mood - not being together does not mean fewer decorations! You can add some paper garland to your background or perhaps make a cute banner with a message for your friend! If it is his/her birthday, why don't you light a candle and blow it out together?
It is important to create new ways of doing things to help us adapt to our new way of lifeTheme party - why not try to arrange a costume party? Ask your friends and family, or whoever is involved in the video call, to dress up and surprise your loved one! They will love to see the effort you made and, who does not like an animal theme party? We are sure that they will run to their wardrobe to put on their own costume and join the party!
Record a video
We know that it can be hard to put the whole family or group of friends together in one single video call. That is why we came up with a Plan B - record a group video! The best part of this idea? It is something that you can keep forever and rewatch as many times as you want!
For this, first, you can ask all your friends to share a nice message for your loved one and record it, maybe even sing or dance to their favourite song! Then you can put all the small videos into one. Do not be afraid to do this! Thanks to technology there are lots of apps and programs, for example, Inshot or iMovie, that do all the hard work for you and are user-friendly.
Send a card
To achieve the best surprise reaction, it is good to do something that your loved one does not expect. Nowadays with all the chat apps that we use, traditions such as sending letters or cards physically have been exchanged for virtual cards and sharing viral videos. Maybe it is a good time to go back in time?
We all love a little surprise or gift! Making a cute DIY card or postal can be the best way to make someone smile. For this, we are going to give you three different ideas (depending on the level of difficulty).
- Level of difficulty - Easy
Printed photograph. Do you have any nice photo at home of you and your loved one? Then this is the time to use it! (If not you can always use your printer to create one). Take the photo and write a nice message on the back, maybe some drawings and decorations can be added too! Put it inside an envelope and it is ready to be sent!
- Level of difficulty - Medium
Pop up card
For this DIY card you will need some extra material and some paint, do not be scared! Just follow the steps and create a cute card. We created this DIY for our lovely grandparents, but you can send it to whoever you want! Also feel free to change the design, let your imagination fly!
- Level of difficulty - High
Origami heart card
Spreading love can be done at any moment for any situation. Now can be the perfect time! The best part of this DIY heart card? It is actually a little box where you can place a little gift or message for your loved one!
Taking the time to surprise your friends will make you both smile. Caring for your loved ones should not be put on hold We hope you liked our ideas! But feel free to be creative and add your personal touch! Don't forget to share them on Instagram tagging @babysits! For more ideas about DIYs for kids check out our community resources!