Babysitting job in Villa Martelli: Nicolas


Babysitting job in Villa Martelli: Nicolas


Hourly rate
ARS 2,000.00/hr
Last activity:

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Hola, estoy buscando una niñera que pueda cuidar a mi hijo en los momentos que me voy a trabajar. Tengo horarios rotativos, eso implica que trabajo de noche también, y deberían cuidarlo de 22hs a 8am

Characteristics of the children
  • Energetic
  • Curious
  • Creative

Number of children
Age of children
  • Toddler

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When we need a babysitter

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Updated: February 3, 2023

About our family

Looking for
  • Babysitter
Preferred babysitting location
At the family
Languages we speak
  • Spanish
43 times

We need a babysitter comfortable with


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Nicolas provided

Email address
Google account


Member since
February 2023
Last activity
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Babysitting job in Villa Martelli: Nicolas
Hourly rate
ARS 2,000.00/hr

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