Babysitting job in Sarandí (Provincia de Buenos Aires): Ignacio


Babysitting job in Sarandí (Provincia de Buenos Aires): Ignacio


Hourly rate
ARS 350.00/hr
Last activity:

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Matrimonio Joven, el primer mes necesitamos cubrir 4 u 5 horas durante el dia. Los dos trabajamos y tenemos home office por lo cual se puede organizar dias y franjas horarias. El hogar tiene servicio de cable, internet y todas las comodidas para poder estar tranquila y cuidar a nuestro hijo de casi 3 meses. Deberia comenzar el 31/01

Characteristics of the children
  • Calm
  • Funny
  • Affectionate

Number of children
Age of children
  • Baby

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When we need a babysitter

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Updated: January 11, 2023

About our family

Looking for
  • Babysitter
Preferred babysitting location
At the family
Languages we speak
  • Spanish
38 times

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Ignacio provided

Email address


Member since
January 2023
Last activity
Answered messages
Average response time

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Babysitting job in Sarandí (Provincia de Buenos Aires): Ignacio
Hourly rate
ARS 350.00/hr

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